Monday, March 7, 2011

Here's to blogging.

I have a blog. I have a blog, yet I find it increasingly more difficult to actually write one. I often find myself thinking about writing a blog and what I plan on writing about when I write one, and I get sidetracked. Shocking right? I'm not really the writing kind, I guess. I don't really think I am that good at it. I have random thoughts and find it hard to keep my writings from being so scattered that people will be able to understand them.

I've thought on many occasions about writing about a book I've read or a movie I've seen recently. For instance, if I were writing about a movie I've seen recently, I would write about how Mark Zuckerberg is an a-hole. (That's, of course, if he is anything at all like the way he was depicted in The Social Network) But that is boring. And it has been done before. And I am not a movie critic. (or a book critic for that matter)

Oftentimes I have all of these ideas for blogs, and I resort to writing about my life and how my little man is doing. I think that is what I will do today.

Not much has changed in the last couple of months, and at the same time a lot of things have changed. K-man is sitting on his own now and starting to crawl. He hasn't fully started crawling yet because he is not sure what to do once he is on all fours. He gets up and rocks back and forth and then he does little baby pushups or he sticks his butt clear up in the air. It is really entertaining to watch him. He scoots around on the floor (which is really easy to do because we have wood floors) and he gets stuck under the couch and entertainment center. That may have sounded a little worse than it really is, he doesn't really get stuck, more like his legs are under the couch and his butt can't fit under it so he kind of just lays there until I scoot him out. He is talking more too. He says mamamamamama (what I consider mama), dadadaddadada (dada) and a lot of other nonsense words that don't mean anything to me other than cute baby talk.

K-man has successfully gotten over his second cold. And has two teeth. Oh, and got baptized since the last time I wrote a blog! I guess a lot has happened after all.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that we are in the same boat about so many things. :) it makes me feel like I have a twin sometimes and I like that lol. It was so much fun to see the boys" crawling" together, I hope we can get them together more often to see their progress. I love to read your blogs, no matter what they are about. I think you have a real talent for writing and I love that you are sticking with it. Love you and K Man! Miss you tons!
