Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Alex and my one year anniversary is Friday and I can't help but think about the past year. I've heard the first year of marriage is the hardest, but I don't think that really applies to people that lived together for a couple years before they got married. The first year for me was actually a really good one. I remember when Alex proposed to me. I graduated from Iowa State May 9, 2009 and we our cruise set sail May 10, 2009. We were driving up to Minnesota to spend the night with Alex's cousin, Ryan, and then fly out of Minneapolis in the morning. We were maybe half an hour away from our house and Alex started talking about the cruise and how I had no choice to go on the cruise, that I was stuck with him. I responded with something along the lines of "I'm okay with that." He then had me open the glove box. I immediately saw the box that held the ring, but I wasn't entirely sure that he meant for me to see it, so I pretended to not see it and get out what he asked me to get. He then pointed it out and had me grab it. After I opened the box and saw the ring, Alex said something like "So will you marry me?" or "So you want to get married?" I wasn't surprised at all when he asked like that. I, of course said yes, and then he started talking about how he was planning on asking me months before in Omaha when we went to the zoo, but he forgot the ring at home. (He took me to Omaha for a weekend when we first started dating to get away from home. It was a nice time. Had a nice hotel, Downtown Omaha had its charm, and it was the first time we went anywhere together for a weekend. It was spontaneous. And romantic.) We got to Minneapolis, spent the evening with Ryan (who we didn't tell that we were engaged) and then spent the next seven days on a cruise ship having a great time. We then spent the next almost five months planning our wedding and October 1, 2009 we were pronounced husband and wife.

It was one of the best days of my life. Now we have a beautiful baby boy and will experiencing our first anniversary as a married couple. We will eat frozen wedding cake from our wedding. I'm sure it will be gross, but it's a tradition that I think will be fun. The lady who made our cake for the wedding is making us a small cake, that way we can enjoy some good cake after eating the gross cake with freezer burn. I am more excited about it than I should be, but we will get to spend the day together as a family. The only problem is, what do I get for him as an anniversary gift? Alex is the hardest person to buy gifts for. I want to do something meaningful, but he hates sappy stuff. Any Ideas?

Well, the chocolate chip cookies I made are calling my name so I guess I will call it good. Hopefully tomorrow at my six week checkup the doctor says it's okay for me to start working out again. Man have I missed it..

Monday, September 27, 2010

I got pooped on today.

Yes. You read that correctly. I got pooped on today. I've been spit up on and peed on, but today is the first day that I have been pooped on by Keagan. I was sitting on the couch feeding him when he started farting a lot. Nothing new, he farts a lot. I checked the side of his diaper to see if he squeezed out a little poop with those stinky farts. Apparently I stretched out the diaper and positioned it perfectly so when he pooped it squirted out the side of the diaper and on to my shirt and the boppy pillow that I was using. I love my son, but I was disgusted. I won't go into detail about the consistency or the smell, but it was gross. I took him upstairs, changed him and I took a hot shower. And when I was done with that, I started a load of laundry. The only thing that would have made this a better story is if he would have laughed when he did it. I take that back. There is another thing that would have made this a great story: if he had pooped on Alex instead of me. I thought about teaching him how to poop out of his diaper on Alex, but I don't think I will do that. I don't want him learning how to do that because then I will have to reteach him not to do it.

Although, Alex will be teaching him a lot of bad habits...so maybe I will try to teach him that. Hmm..so many things to think about.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Out and about

I've come to the realization that people who live in the Jordan Creek area of West Des Moines are snobs. It doesn't matter if you are carrying a baby, or pushing a cart with a baby in it, they expect you to get out of their way, and if you don't move so they have to, they give you an evil look like you are Hitler or Hitler's best friend. I don't like Hitler, people, so look at me like that again and I will slash your tires. That is an empty threat. I would be too scared to try to slash someone's tires. I wouldn't want to get caught, and then have to pay for some bastard who looked at me like that to get free tires. I'm not made of money people.

I didn't actually come to that realization today, but I was just reminded of it when I was out. Good story, huh.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Last night, while watching Chuck, I noticed something that I haven't really noticed before. I mean, sure, I have noticed it, but never really thought about it much. The girl in Chuck has blonde hair with brown eyebrows and the question I have been asking myself ever since is what is the purpose of eyebrows? After noticing her eyebrows, I am fairly confident that I spent the remainder of the episode looking at people's eyebrows. Great way to spend 30-40 minutes of my time, I know. But seriously! What are they good for?!! Some people shave their eyebrows off and you don't see them die from some kind of no-eyebrow disease.

On a different note, my 8th grade English teacher shaved his eyebrows, probably daily. It matched his shiny bald head. Not the cool, I want to shave my head to look tough bald head, but the I am old and my hair doesn't grow on my head anymore bald head. It also matched his huge glasses that took up most of his forehead and cheeks. He was a pretty cool guy, I guess. He had a lot of lame jokes, and no eyebrows. He seemed healthy enough without his eyebrows though.

So I am left pondering this all last night and still this morning..so much that I spend part of it writing a blog about it. Maybe someone can enlighten me. And don't say something stupid like "Oh, they are there to protect your eyes from stuff falling in them." That is not true. Isn't that what eyelashes are for? Is it? I don't even know..

Next Blog..Eyelashes.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm doing it because they're doing it.

My first blog. Ah, yes. It feels nice. I never really thought I would have a blog, but since it seems like everyone and their pet has one, I might as well give in to the peer pressure and write one. Originally I signed up so I could post comments on my husband's blog, but since he rarely writes them anymore, I figured I might as well do something with my account.

A little about me..I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Advertising in May 2009, got married in October and just had a baby last month. It has been a pretty productive year I'd say. I, sadly, have not done anything exciting with my degree yet, but hopefully one of these days I will find something that resembles a real job. Right not I am just working weekends at a wonderful place (not) so I can stay home with my baby boy and not have to pay lots of money for daycare.

The purpose of this blog you ask? (Were you really asking yourself that?) I am hoping to use this to keep myself from lounging on the couch all day long and watching 30Rock or Chuck for the billionth time. We will see how it goes. Chances are I will be lounging on the couch, watching 30Rock or Chuck while writing a blog, so maybe it won't serve it's purpose at all. Ohwell. At least I can share my random thoughts with the world.

Ohh yeah.