Saturday, September 25, 2010


Last night, while watching Chuck, I noticed something that I haven't really noticed before. I mean, sure, I have noticed it, but never really thought about it much. The girl in Chuck has blonde hair with brown eyebrows and the question I have been asking myself ever since is what is the purpose of eyebrows? After noticing her eyebrows, I am fairly confident that I spent the remainder of the episode looking at people's eyebrows. Great way to spend 30-40 minutes of my time, I know. But seriously! What are they good for?!! Some people shave their eyebrows off and you don't see them die from some kind of no-eyebrow disease.

On a different note, my 8th grade English teacher shaved his eyebrows, probably daily. It matched his shiny bald head. Not the cool, I want to shave my head to look tough bald head, but the I am old and my hair doesn't grow on my head anymore bald head. It also matched his huge glasses that took up most of his forehead and cheeks. He was a pretty cool guy, I guess. He had a lot of lame jokes, and no eyebrows. He seemed healthy enough without his eyebrows though.

So I am left pondering this all last night and still this much that I spend part of it writing a blog about it. Maybe someone can enlighten me. And don't say something stupid like "Oh, they are there to protect your eyes from stuff falling in them." That is not true. Isn't that what eyelashes are for? Is it? I don't even know..

Next Blog..Eyelashes.


  1. The thing I always wondered about eyebrows is why some people spend so much time making them look a certain way... I mean, I haven't touched mine in MONTHS and I'm fairly certain that nothing adverse has happened. Or maybe it has and I just haven't noticed.

  2. Yeah I know what you mean..I haven't done anything with mine in awhile and I can tell, but not enough for me to care. We are lucky that we don't have the big bushy unibrow :)

  3. If I end up staring at eyebrows today, I am not going to be happy.
