Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Silly doctors.

I think the person who said that babies sleeping on their bellies could potentially cause SIDS doesn't really know what they are talking about. More often than not, I think doctors and other professionals don't have an explanation for medical problems, SIDS included, so they tell people what to do and what not to do to prevent that problem from happening. In fact, I think it is kind of ridiculous for doctors to tell people the worst case scenario when it most likely will never come to that. For example, when I was pregnant, I went to the doctor for a checkup and to listen to baby's heartbeat. When the doctor was trying to find his heartbeat she says "Oh, that sounds like an irregular heartbeat." She then switches to the other side of my stomach where she could hear his heartbeat better, and as it turned out, his heartbeat wasn't irregular at all. My question is, why would you even say something like that without being sure first? She's lucky I wasn't overly emotional that day because I can only imagine what some pregnant people would do if she caused panic like that to them. Another example of being told the worst case scenario was when baby K was born with jaundice and the doctor said that if it gets high enough it could cause brain damage. It freaked me out. I worried for DAYS because of that comment.

Anyway, I have been putting him on his belly to sleep for naps and I think he sleeps better that way. I have put him on his side to sleep too. My mom put me on my stomach to sleep all the time when I was younger and I didn't die from SIDS. I think it is kind of funny that they used to tell new parents to not have their babies sleep on their backs because if the baby spit up, they might choke on it. Pretty soon they will tell us that babies can't sleep at all because something terrible will happen if they do.


  1. when sam was born, the verdict was out on belly vs back... so i put him on his side all the time. i think he has a nice shaped head now. that was lucky. it will come in handy if he is ever completely bald. you are right to think doctors are full of sh-crap. most of them are.

  2. I know that you and I talk about panicking about this stuff all the time but I still worry. Especially about sleeping... It's crazy that what is best for babies changes every year or two... It makes me feel better that I have a "partner in crime" about this stuff :)

  3. I'm going to teach my baby to sleep standing up like a horse. That way we can the whole walking thing out of the way quick. Gives us more time to work on him learning to fly.

  4. Very nice thought Dave. I have a baby that sleeps on his stomach every night by his choice. I always put him on his back when I lay him down and before I get out of the room he is on his tummy. He is old enough if he can't breathe he will just move. :)
