Since it's been a little over a year since the day I met my little man, I decided now is as good a time as any to sit back and reflect on the past year. I have experienced many firsts this past year; ranging from K's first cold, to his first tooth, first crawl, first steps, first finger foods, first temper tantrum, first time falling asleep on the dog, first time crawling up the couch...etc, etc, etc. Saying that I've thoroughly enjoyed myself the past year is a bit of an understatement. And although I spent a decent amount of time second guessing myself, I feel like I have found a confident place in motherhood.
This little baby of mine has grown into a beautiful, happy boy. (I will always call him my baby boy, regardless of his age.) It truly is amazing how much a kid learns in the first year of their life--going from completely dependent on parents to only being semi-dependent on them. K is about as independent as can be. Most of the time he refuses to be picked up and moved from one place to another. (And by refuse, I mean he arches his back, throws himself back and cries. How is it that my one year old already has a major attitude problem?) I find it humorous that he is so particular on the kind of cup he drinks out of, that he eats absolutely anything (including clumps of dog hair, which I might add, really grosses me out) and that he seems hypnotized by anyone who has food in their hands.
Despite his independence, K always likes to be held at the end of the night for his bedtime story. The hardest obstacle K and I have overcome this year was breaking the rock-before-bed habit. I heard many differing opinions on whether or not I should rock K to bed, but ultimately came to the conclusion that it was a habit that needed breaking. It was one of the hardest things I had to endure in my life--listening to him cry night after night--until he fell asleep. After all those nights, he finally got the hang of it, making it another proud-mommy story.
Being a mom is the hardest job I've done in my life--but is also the most rewarding. Luckily enough for me, I have a pretty laid back child who, for the most part, is easy watch. He rarely cries, and is almost always happy. (In fact, today I was told by a doctor I have never seen before that K is the happiest baby he had ever seen. I am not so delusional to think that this is the first time he had said that to a parent of a happy baby, but I know it had some truth to it, because K is happy mostly all the time) I feel extremely lucky that I have had the opportunity to stay home with him most of his first year of life.
By this time next year, K will be full-fledged in his terrible twos. Hopefully I will find time to write another blog before then :)